

Get nice cameras or phones with high quality cameras to take pics, Gerry Gee to Bono East Artist


Dear Bono East Artiste,

I would love to advise you start going to studio to take professional pictures and posting them on your timelines and stop posting just any pics you take with your phone although some phones pics are nice, but then some environment you take pics, shouldn't appear on your timelines.

You can reserve some of the pics for your songs cover arts and show flyers, and others go to your various social media platforms. 

Get nice cameras or phones with high quality cameras to take pics when you go for interviews, shows and other important places, post them.

That's part of branding, you might not know when a company, or someone might need your pics and you wouldn't be available or in coverage areas so quickly , your social media will be the only option and it will be a disgrace if they should only some pics which can't be used for anything. 

As you growing, you need to also grow in some areas too.

Thank you and long live Bono East industry


                                                Yours faithfully

                                                 Gerry Gee 

                                                 (De General)

Quofi Stone King Ym Sariki KingBobo De NkzSolja Boadu Martin Johnson Masinda Abdul Fatao Adam Unstopable Kwadwo Friktion Litty Litty Ferty Felix Ekua Bae Aleelee Wan Centage Ef Alex Obiri Asante Gloria Akania Lhord Verses Gh and the rest. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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